I’m Monte Baunk (b. 1992 Johannesburg, ZA). Life-long artist that found his true style in Dec 2020. Currently featured as the guest resident artist at The Gallery Art Bar. My work in prints and multiples gave access to quite a few group exhibitions as an emerging artist. The art people don’t really like digital artists, so I had to get my hands dirty again with paints and inks.

BUT I’m doing it on my own terms… I’m an artist with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD), so for me washing brushes constantly, among many other reasons, just does not work. Rest assured, I paint every single stroke by hand, read more about that here. Then I grab a sheet of paper and go all artist again on the resulting canvas. In the end your have a true 1/1 mixed media on canvas artwork in your living-room, and a truly unique certificate of authenticity (which some of my clients decide to frame as well in the end).

“With a focus on a wide variety of topics that address the human condition and our world at large, Monte skilfully narrates his own opinions and perceptions through his work. The viewer is enticed into an alternate reality where layers upon layers of complex themes are effortlessly interwoven and brought together as an open well for the viewer to draw from.”

My artworks are deeply thought-provoking, imbued with hidden symbolism and meaning, and sure to leave you with an altered perspective. They are also super personal, so I had a very good reason for laying down each and every line at that moment.

Now I have collectors across the world, often with more than one of my pieces hanging on their walls.


I paint using ProCreate on an iPad 2020, 12.9inch Pro + Apple Pencil. I paint and draw every single line by hand, sometimes even specific to the pixel.

I then get them professionally printed by none other than Silvertone International on Rembrandt Canvas or carefully selected archival paper in Epson Ultrachrome high pigment acid-free inks. I then take my museum quality canvas and go to town with Posca, Mont Marte  paint markers, and various other inks, paints and occasionally some ash from my joint. I go over some parts to achieve a certain effect, or add (and sometimes remove) some details across the canvas, and you are left with a 1/1 mixed media on canvas artwork by Monte Baunk.

I do create using traditional mediums ONLY on occassion, making my beloved iPad a mere screen to view my reference images and planning… but those are few and far between, scattered across the globe. So if you ever get to see one, buy it like bitcoin.

How I create my art
My artworks